Saturday, March 2, 2024

Thrasher Skate Rock Comps


I Had gone down to Dave's Skate in Ventura to get a new deck and wheels and in the glass case he has wheels , trucks , stickers and that day was some tapes and the one that caught my attention was this 
and I didn't really know who any of these bands were at the time because I had barely started getting into punk rock and I didn't really know of many bands , so to see this and that all the bands were skaters or had members who skated made me want to get it even more and I think I paid 6 or 7 dollars for it . When I got home to put my board together (I lived in Ojai about a 30 minute bus ride from Ventura) I immediately popped the tape into the tape player and pressed play and was floored by all the different styles and sound of the bands .                                                                                                                                        The volume 1 -SKATE ROCK came out in 1983 and in 2008 Volume 13 - DOWN FOR LIFE was released , yep 13 of them but to me the first 3 Volumes are the absolute best (for me anyways) I heard a few others of the comps over the years but the just didn't wow me as much as those original 3 and I wish I still had the tapes but they wore out a long time ago, but at least one thing I got that was put out by Thrasher Magazine in the 80's (and again something I bought at Dave's Skates) was Thrasher Comics (Tales To Drive You Up The Wall) issue No. 1 
and believe or not, that I still have it, well onto some music that us from the 80's grew up with and skated to.         
Vol 1 - Skate Rock  
Vol 2 - Blazing Wheels And Barking Trucks  
Vol 3 - Wild Riders Of Boards  
Vol 4 - Smash  
Vol 5 - Born To Skate  
Vol 6 - Road Rash   
Vol 7 - Noise Forest  
Vol 9 - Pawns Of The Apocalypse  
Vol 10 - Parental Advisory Explicit Sk8rok  
Vol 11 - Crank It Up  

Vol 12 - Eat The Flag  

Vol 13 - Down For Life


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I know Vol 8 - Pierced Ears is missing , I've been looking all over for it and I just can't find it anywhere so just deal with it , there is still a hell of a lot of good music/bands on these comps and in the words of the Spermbirds  MY GOD RIDES A SKATEBOARD

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