Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Keri's B-Day Show @ Jerry's Pizza 12/22/2023

Yeah i know I haven't posted anything for a while now , but I hate this time of year (October thru December) and it makes dealing with my pain and depression even worse . I've got a hella lot of music to share ( which I really need to start doing ) but a lot of the music I have I have put on Soulseek and it's a whole bunch and Im going to be adding more . Well I finally made it out to a show even though I was in a good amount of pain but it was a birthday show for a good friend of mine Keri Bryson , and all the bands on the bill were top notch and it was also the debut return for one of the bands .                                           It was at the one and only Jerry's Pizza in Bakersfield , it's funny that I was here again since I ended up going to the first concert Jerry's had in 93-94 ? by accident, well I can't say accident because I was headed to the liquer store from the old Club BAM BAMS. the shows were originally were upstairs but then a few years later they started having them downstairs and if anyone has been in Bakersfield during the summer you know how hot it can get , and then there is Jerry's Pizza basement (not much for A.C.back then) and if it was a large crowd it was literally hell from the heat. Luckily not this time since it was Dec and they have a couple A.C. units downstairs and there is also a bar downstairs now so the drunks don't have to worry about falling down the stairs.                                                                                                            Well starting off the show was Bako's own LATEST REGRET with people singing along and kids running around and playing with balloons  , oh yeah did I say this was a family friendly with kids, teenagers, and adults          

Next up from the San Gabriel Valley area PIGSTICK and a band that I have been waiting to see but they kicked out the old singer but  then reformed with the guitarist taking over on vocals MOE and a new person now on guitar DAVE . Some good punk rock from these guys and they didn't disappoint, these guys have been or currently are in other bands (HATRED , DEAD PUNKS and FIRE IT UP) there's probably others but go and check out their other bands too.                 

 Up next were some So Cal skate punk 80's style SINCE WE WERE KIDS and they really started getting the crowd going and they raged thru their set finishing with 2 covers INTENSE INERGY by AGRESSION and THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN by THIN LIZZY. The last time I seen them with D.R.I. they invited people to come up and sing during Intense Energy , the bassist kept trying to get me to sing but I was recording but this time I got up and sang along (at the 18:52 mark)         

The final band for the night and another So. Cal band (Big Bear) also with members from Since We Were Kids and really got the crowd in a frenzy (hell I kept getting bumped around so the video of their set is in 3 pieces plus their encore) they also covered a Nardcore song THINK POSITIVE by R.K.L. and then their encore was BITE IT YOU SCUM ( if you don't know by who just go listen to some radio friendly bullshit then)     

Overall this was a very chill night with some great people and some awesome bands and it was hella fun.                                     LATEST REGRET     


                                                      SINCE WE WERE KIDS              


RANDOM PICS I STOLE FROM KERI AND OTHER PEOPLE                                 

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 Yeah I know I haven't posted anything for a while but I've had hella Dr visits along with more Drs to see now along with my pain ge...